Monday, January 26, 2009

Why Would Anyone Become a Christian with the Way Christians Behave?

Why would anybody become a Christian with the way Christians behave? This is a question that has personally haunted me. I went through a serious "I hate Christians" phase and the amazing thing is it happened while I was Christian!

From what I can tell it is not just me, this is a growing concern in our culture. I have seen the bumper stickers that says, "God, delivery me from your people!" I have heard story after story of people being abused and judged by the Christian Community! Philip Pullman, the author of The Golden Compass has said, "…there may well be a God somewhere, hiding away. Actually, if he is keeping out of sight, it's because he's ashamed of his followers and all the cruelty and ignorance they're responsible for promoting in his name. If I were him, I'd want nothing to do with them.” It seems that we, Christians, have grasped the first part of the verse that says, "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have." (1Peter 3:15) But we seem to forget the all important ending of the verse that tells us how we are to go about it, "But do this with gentleness and respect." The world is not marveling at our gentleness and respect.

So let me say, I am sorry! As a Christian, I am sorry for it all. We have been messing up a lot lately. But please remember, we are to blame, and Jesus is not! He was and is gracious and loving.

I personally do not think the problem is fanaticism. Some people think that the offensive ones are simple fanatics and if they would just tone it down a little, life would be better for everyone else. But, I think it is more profound than that. Jesus told us that the whole will of God could be summed up in a He told us to love God fully and love others as ourselves (Matthew 22:37-40). A critical spirit that finds fault and demeans others does not seem very loving. It does not sound like "love out of control," or a "fanatical love" does not sound like love at all. I would say the problem is not that they are too fanatical but not fanatical enough!

As I have grown as a Christian and Pastored many others, I have learned that when the Gospel truly sinks into our hearts (And it takes time!) pride and selfishness diminish and grace and love take their place. Over time we truly start treating others like we would like to be treated and love takes more and more control of all we do. We become more respectful and gentle.

So, getting back to your horrible experience with Christians... can I ask a favor? Remember, Jesus loves you and those Christians who behaved so badly... give them time. They have not yet grasped the full measure of the grace and love they have in Jesus. And please do not let them keep you from seriously considering Jesus. Jesus is worth it even if some of His people are bad representatives.

Please share your thoughts!


1 comment:

Chad said...

I still don't like most of them myself. Thank God that He makes us all perfect in heaven because I am sure that I wouldn't want to be around most of them and most of them probably don't want to be around me. I am also glad that Jesus loves us in our pitiful state of being just as we are. It would be hard to love me the way that I am and I am thankful that we have a perfect awesome God who does. I know that this doesn't make one bit of sense but that is me.