Monday, February 23, 2009

Hasn't Science Disproved Everything Christians Believe?

I love science. It has been the door to wondrous and amazing things... the cell, the human genome, the atom, subatomic particles, galaxies, nebulae and medicine just to name a few. I have made my living as a scientist first as a research chemist for Pfizer (Viagra) then Glaxo (Zantac) and then my own start up company, Sarco. I love science and the systematic method it offers for getting at the truth in an objective way. My love for science has not been a problem for my faith. In fact it has been an asset to it.

Science offers us a way of testing, gathering data and evaluating that data in order to reach conclusions. This is exactly what is needed when it comes to choosing between all the spiritual options we have. How can we know if anyone of them is reasonable or makes sense? Can any of these faith paths really offer us hope? I believe one can and does offer us the evidence and data that objective people can evaluate. Christianity held up to the scrutiny that I brought to bear on it.

For me and many others it was the evidence for the resurrection that made the biggest difference. Christianity has it roots in this single event, and on this it either stands or falls. Once I stood back and removed my biases, the evidence was overwhelming, and then faith just seemed reasonable. I am not alone. Simon Geenleaf was a Jewish Scholar who built the Harvard Law School into the dominate force it is today. He literally wrote the book about the laws of evidence. He was challenged by some of his students to examine the evidence for the resurrection. He approached it skeptically, but after a thorough investigation he became a believer in Jesus Christ. His story can be repeated over and over. A desire for truth, followed up by serious objective and unbiased research leads to faith.

Today more than ever it is reasonable to believe. The advances of Science in the areas of genetics and physics point strongly toward God. As Patrick Glynn (Former Atheist) has said, "As recently as twenty-five years ago a reasonable person weighing the purely scientific evidence on the issue would likely come down on the side of skepticism. That is no longer the case. Today the concrete data point strongly in the direction of the God hypothesis. It is the simplest and most obvious solution."

In fact, Dean Kenyon, a biophysicist from San Francisco State University coauthored a book explaining the emergence of life apart form God. Later when faced with the advances in molecular genetics he repudiated the conclusions of his own book. He said, “This new realm of molecular genetics is where we see the most compelling evidence for design (creation).” Science is not anti-faith, in fact the work of the Human Genome Project that Dean Kenyon referred to in the quote was led by Francis Collins, a Christian. The anti-faith issues associated with science are really unjustified and in my experience perpetrated by a small number of zealous anti-religious individuals with and anti-God bias. They are not know for objectivity.

My challenge is check it our for yourself. Do the research, keep an open mind. Truth has nothing to fear, it will still be the truth and you may just discover a door to a wondrous and amazing new way of life.

Share your thoughts,


If you are interested in learning more on this subject check out this podcast.

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